Tesfa Project

The Tesfa Project brings hope to orphaned and abandoned infants by providing love and care while they wait for local adoptive families.


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Together we can make a difference one life at a time.

$ 25.00

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Donation Total: $25.00 Monthly


God revealed many needs to us on our January 2020 trip to Gondar, Ethiopia. The plight of the orphan is a cause near to our hearts. Haddis Ministries’ three founding families have all been blessed by adoption and we treasure all of our children that joined our families in this way.

In an effort to promote domestic adoptions in Ethiopia, the government has asked Bridge of Hope to care for newborn orphaned babies while they wait for their adoptive families. Knowing how important it is for children to grow up in families, particularly in families within their own communities, we fully support this initiative and look forward to these babies being placed in loving adoptive homes.

Current Tesfa Babies


Bridge of Hope receives near weekly requests to care for abandoned and relinquished babies who would otherwise remain in understaffed and under resourced hospitals where unfortunately some babies die due to lack of adequate care.

While they have the space and they are eager to help with this crisis, they do not receive any financial support to care for these babies while they wait for families. This places increased strain on an already tight budget. 

In response to this need, we launched the Tesfa Project to come alongside Bridge of Hope to support these babies.  Tesfa means “hope” in the Ethiopian language of Amharic. Our hope is in the Lord and we wait in hopeful expectation for the adoption of these babies into families. 

It costs about $125 per month to care for one baby. This covers the cost of all of their formula, diapers, bathing supplies, lotions and ointments and their nanny’s salary.  We are in need of families, groups or organizations to partner with us to provide for this care.

Since the launch of this project 19 babies have been cared for thanks to generous donors. 

Currently we have the capacity to care for 9 babies at a time.

We celebrate every time one of our babies is placed in a family and we’re thankful for the life saving care that they receive through this project.


Donate one time or become a monthly sponsor.

Together we can make a difference one life at a time.

$ 25.00

You have chosen to donate $25.00 monthly.

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Donation Total: $25.00 Monthly

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27